The local data for a CFT in dimension allows to assign to each -dimensional cobordism a vector space of “possible correlators”: those functions on the space of conformal structures on that have the correct behaviour (satisfy the conformal Ward identities) to qualify as the (chiral) correlator of a CFT. This is called a space of conformal blocks . This assignment is functorial under diffeomorphism. The corresponding functor is called a modular functor. (Segal 89, Kriz 03, Segal 04, def. 5.1).
To get an actual collection of correlators one has to choose from each space of conformal blocks an element such that these choices glue under composition of cobordism: such that they solve the sewing constraints, see for instance at FRS-theorem on rational 2d CFT.
Dually, under a holographic principle such as CS3/WZW2 the space of conformal blocks on is equivalently the space of quantum states of the TQFT on . See at quantization of 3d Chern-Simons theory for more on this.
For any finite set (“of labels”) write for the category whose objects are Riemann surfaces with boundary circles labeled by elements of , and whose morphisms are holomorphic maps , where is obtained from by sewing along boundary circles carrying the same labels.
(Segal 04, section 4, section 5)
This category, being essentially the total Riemann moduli space is naturally a complex analytic stack.
For a topological surface write for the component of on Riemann surfaces whose underlying topological surface is .
If has at least one hole (boundary component), then the fundamental group is the mapping class group of .
A modular functor is a holomorphic functor
(i.e. a morphism of complex analytic stacks from the Riemann moduli space to the stack of (finite-rank) holomorphic vector bundles, in general with super vector space-fibers)
such that
is strong monoidal: ;
respects sewing: if is obtained from by cutting along a circle and giving the same label to both resulting boundaries, then the natural transformation
is a natural isomorphism.
normalization: for the Riemann sphere we have (thetensor unit vector space).
For a rational 2d CFT the modular functor is fully determined by the conformal blocks on the Riemann sphere (the genus=0 conformal blocks) – this is proven in Andersen & Ueno 2012.
Closely related is the statement that the braided monoidal structure on the modular representation category of the corresponding vertex operator algebra is fully determined by the genus=0 conformal blocks, a statement that seems to be folklore (highlighted in EGNO 15, p. 266, Runkel, Sec. 4.3).
Any modular functor defines a central extension of the semigroup of conformal annuli.
These correspond precisely to group extensions of by .
These in turn are classified by .
Here in terms of standard 2d CFT terminology
is the central charge
is the eigenvalues of .
Given a modular functor as in def. and given a non-closed topological labelled surface with the resulting vector bundle, then this bundle carries a canonical projectively flat connection compatible with the sewing operation of def. .
(Segal 04, prop. 5.4, see also at Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation)
When thinking of the modular functor as the functor of conformal blocks of a 2d CFT then the projectively flat connection of prop. would often be called the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov connection. Thining of dually as the functor assigning spaces of quantum states of Chern-Simons theory then it would typically be called the Hitchin connection. (see also Segal 04, p. 44, p. 84).
The connection of prop. is a genuine flat connection (not projective) precisely if the central charge, , vanishes.
For three labels, write for the three-holed sphere (“pair of pants”, “trinion”) with inner circles labeled by and and outer circle labeled by .
For a modular functor as in def. , write
for the dimension of the vector space that it assigns to this surface.
Then the free abelian group on the set of labels inherits the structure of an associative algebra via
The Verlinde algebra.
(Segal 04, section 5, p. 36-37)
By prop. and prop. , if is a modular functor of central charge then the tensor product
with a possibly fractional power of the determinant line bundle, def. , produces a modular functor with vanishing central charge.
To make sense of this however one needs to consistently define the fractional power. For that one needs to pass to surfaces equipped with a bit more structure.
The category of rigged surfaces is the central extension of that of smooth manifold surfaces such that for genus it gives the universal central extension of the diffeomorphism group.
For instance the category of surfaces equipped with a choice of universal covering space of the circle group-principal bundle underlying the determinant line bundle over .
(Segal 04, def. (5.10) and following, also Bakalov-Kirillov, def. 5.7.5)
Given a modular functor , def. of central charge , def. , then the tensor product is well defined on the category of rigged surfaces, def. .
Of course if one has an extension of the diffeomorphism group by a multiple of the universal extension in def. , then this still trivializes the conformal anomaly for all modular functors whose central charge is a corrsponding multiple. In particular:
The category of smooth surfaces equipped with “Atiyah 2-framing” (hence with a trivialization of the spin lift of the double of their tangent bundle) provides an extension of the diffeomorphic group of level 12.
There is a natural functor from smooth surfaces equipped with 3-framing (trivialization of ) to that equipped with Atiyah 2-framing in prop. .
thanks to Chris Schommer-Pries for highlighting this point.
For let be the functor which sends a Riemann surface to the th power of its determinant line (i.e. that of its Laplace operator).
Super-line, see (Kriz-Lai 13)…
The determinant lines of def. constitute precisely the modular functors, def. , for which for all .
The modular functor for -Chern-Simons theory restricted to genus-1 surfaces (elliptic curves) is essentially what is encoded in the universal -equivariant elliptic cohomology (equivariant tmf). In fact equivariant elliptic cohomology remembers also the pre-quantum incarnation of the modular functor as a systems of prequantum line bundles over Chern-Simons phase spaces (which are moduli stacks of flat connections) and remembers the quantization-process from there to the actual space of quantum states by forming holomorphic sections. See at equivariant elliptic cohomology – Idea – Interpretation in Quantum field theory for more on this.
Original formulations:
Graeme Segal, Two-dimensional conformal field theories and modular functors, in: IXth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Swansea 1988, Adam Hilger, Bristol and New York (1989) 22–37 [pdf, pdf]
Graeme Segal, The definition of conformal field theory, in: Ulrike Tillmann (ed.), Topology, geometry and quantum field theory , London Math. Soc. Lect. Note Ser. 308, Cambridge University Press (2004) 421-577 [doi:10.1017/CBO9780511526398.019, pdf, pdf]
Igor Kriz, On spin and modularity in conformal field theory, Ann. Sci. ANS (4) 36 (2003), no. 1, 57112 (numdam:ASENS_2003_4_36_1_57_0)
Igor Kriz, Luhang Lai, On the definition and K-theory realization of a modular functor, (arxiv/1310.5174).
Lectures and reviews:
Bojko Bakalov, Alexander Kirillov, chapter 5 of Lectures on tensor categories and modular functor (web, pdf)
Krzysztof Gawedzki, section 5.6 of Conformal field theory: a case study (arXiv:hep-th/9904145)
Eduard Looijenga, From WZW models to Modular Functors (arXiv:1009.2245)
Jürgen Fuchs, Christoph Schweigert, Simon Wood, Yang Yang, p. 11 of: Algebraic structures in two-dimensional conformal field theory, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics [arXiv:2305.02773]
Proof that the values of a modular functor at genus=0 (ie. the conformal blocks on the punctured Riemann sphere) determine the full modular functor:
Discussion in the context of (2,1)-dimensional Euclidean field theories and tmf is in
Discussion in the context of the cobordism hypothesis:
Constructing modular functors from pivotal bicategories using string net models:
Relation to factorization homology of surfaces:
Last revised on December 4, 2024 at 14:30:15. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.